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Preparing Your Special Issue Proposal

● Prospective Guest Editors are required to submit a detailed Special Issue proposal for our Editorial Board's consideration. Completed proposals can be sent to the Managing Editor or to the

● The Editor-in-Chief and the Managing Editor will preview proposals and possibly suggest initial improvements and updates to ensure that the proposals meet the required expectations. The Editorial Board takes about three to four weeks to review proposals. The Editor-in-Chief then makes the final decision.

Structure Of Special Issue Proposal

The Special Issue proposal must contain the following information.

Introduction/Overview : Description of general topic and overall theme with sufficient background material easily understood by specialists outside the area, as well as data highlighting the growth of the area.

Importance of topic to the Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation (JPRI) readers: Description of why the proposed Special Issue will be important to a broad audience from different specialties.

Guest Editors biographical information : Biographies of Guest Editors along with a brief list of representative publications in the particular area.

Overview of proposed papers : List of the papers, including titles and abstracts, and biographies of lead authors.

Tentative schedule : The time frame for each stage of the Special Issue development including the deadlines for first submission, completion of the review process, final paper submission, as well as expected publication date.